Profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth Their debt amount to over 1m. 负债总额与净值的利益率他们负债总计一百万英镑以上。
Non-system risk possesses absolute advantage in single stock's general risks and can explain profit ratio. There is no nonlinear relation between profit ratio of single stock and β value. 非系统风险在个股总风险中占有绝对优势,而且对收益率的解释作用显著,个股收益率与β值不存在非线性关系。
To analyze further, the owners profit ratio is decided by the business operating, financing policy, government policy and the trade features business belonging to. 进一步分析,权益报酬率由企业的营业决策、筹资决策、有关政策因素和所在行业特性决定。
Initially applying robust R estimator method, a more significant multivariate regression model among stock profit ratio and business ( achievement) index such as earnings per share is established. 首次尝试采用稳健的R估计法建立电力行业股票收益率与经营业绩指标的数学模型。
Meanwhile the current situation of small and medium-sized business in China, especially in West China, is worrying: poor competitive products, low profit ratio, slow development and difficult operation. 但是,我国中小企业特别是西部地区中小企业的发展现状令人堪忧:产品缺乏竞争力、利润率低下,发展缓慢、经营困难。
Economical estimation proves us that the input-output ratio of this fracturing fluid optimization technology can reach to 1: 24.9, whereas the profit ratio of investment and the tax investment ratio can increase in times. 现场试验取得了良好效果。通过现代经济评价证明,优化压裂液技术投入产出比可以达到1:24.9,投资利润率、投资利税率能够成倍的增长。
As the result of substantial test: In this financial pre-caution model analysis, the debt ratio, net profit ratio and EPS are highly with significant. 实证结果发现:在财务预警模型中,负债比率、现金流量比率、每股盈余具高度显著性;
This thesis points out through the analysis of phenomenon and figures the crisis facing the advertisement management of newspaper group that: after years of continuous two-digit increase of the advertisement profits, the speed is being slower and the profit ratio is being declining. 本论文从现象入手,依据诸多数据的分析,指出报业集团广告经营存在着危机:营业额在多年来两位数的持续增长之后,速度开始放缓,利润率出现下滑。
The owners profit ratio reflects the earning profit ability, operating efficiency and capital composition of the business. 权益报酬率反映了企业的盈利能力、营运能力和资本结构特征。
Analysis about the Influence Factors of the Owners Profit Ratio 权益报酬率的影响因素分析
The check from stock group and single stock expresses that there is no positive relation between system risk and profit ratio, and β value can not be used to explain risks of group and single stock. 股票组合和个股的检验都表明系统风险与收益率之间不存在正相关关系,β值不能解释组合和个股的风险。
As its effect is growing in the social and economic life, the rate of using credit card payment and the ratio of loan are also rising every year Credit card businesses improve the profit of financial institution, which makes its profit ratio improved in the total profit. 随着信用卡在社会经济生活中的作用日益增大,信用卡支付比例逐步攀升,信用卡贷款比重逐年加大,信用卡业务为金融机构带来的利润占总利润的比重也在不断提高。
Among them, the first four financial indexes comparatively high in importance are as follows: net assets return ratio, net profit increasing ratio, sales net profit ratio and gross profit; 其中,重视程度相对最高的四项指标是净资产报酬率、净利润增长率、销售净利润率和利润总额;
According to the theory of rational growth function, a statistics model of input and output of stock market is established. Calculation results show that when input is between 100 000 yuan and 1 000 000 yuan, maximum profit ratio can be obtained. 应用有理增长函数理论,建立了股市中资金投入产出统计模型,计算表明,投入资金在10万元至100万元时产生的利润率最大。
To our commercial bank, current states of marketing risk are high rate of bad loan, low amplification rate of capital and low profit ratio. 其次,本文以我国商业银行市场风险的现实表现为切入点,分析指出其市场风险的相关表现,即不良贷款率高,资本金充足率不高,盈利能力低等。
The increased net profit ratio is 22.42% and the marginal benefit-cost ratio is 3.33. Efficient techniques for system coupling of planting spring-corn in rice field include that the winter and spring can be freed, and the wheat can be changed to the economic crops; 新增纯收益率22.42%,边际成本报酬率3.33。稻田种植春玉米高效耦合技术包括部分放开冬春茬,稻田冬春季改小麦为菜果经济作物;NET开发了基于规则的特钢企业调度系统。
The vortex-intensified heat exchanging propeles are reasonably evaluated using net available energy profit ratio of unit beat transfer area. 应用单位传热面积的序可用能收益比对涡旋强化换热性能进行了合理评价。
In the second part, by collecting relevant data, it explicate the status quo of Open-ended Fund in China in three respect which include the size of the assets, the profit ratio, investors, and made some comparative analysis with the situation in America. 第二部分通过收集相关数据,从资产规模、收益率、投资者三方面阐述了我国开放式基金的现状,并且与美国作了对比分析。
The marginal cost-plus reflect that prices deviate from marginal cost, and is the profit ratio of a unit cost basis, its size is often decided by the monopoly power of the firms. 企业的边际成本加成反映了价格与边际成本的偏离,是在单位成本基础之上的一种利润比例,其大小往往由企业的垄断势力决定。
The asset sizes of the fraud companies relatively small, and the income indexes, such as business income, earnings per share, operating profit ratio, return on assets, are obviously low. 舞弊公司的资产规模普遍偏小;营业收入、每股收益、营业利润率、资产收益率等指标明显偏低。
Results show that the coefficients on Ln ( Board Size) in this new model are significantly negative for the standard deviation of Operating Profit Ratio and BPS, while the coefficients on the interaction are insignificant. 3. 回归分析表明:在董事会规模与主营业务利润率以及BPS的标准差呈显著负相关关系的同时,交互变量的回归系数不显著。
The fourth part is the reevaluation of the extent of tax evasion by using transfer pricing by those corporations through adopting a new quantitative tool, cost profit ratio, to let us have a straight understanding of the current conditions related to tax evasion of transfer pricing. 第四部分是通过采用新的定量分析工具-成本利润率来对在华跨国公司利用转让定价进行避税的规模进行重新测算,以使我们对目前的转让定价避税情况有个更直观的认识。
In supply chain network, parameters of fixed profit ratio and cost component are introduced to analyze how some of the raw materials 'price increases will affect the lower nodes' pricing. 网状供应链中的扩散分析则引入了固定的产品利润率和成本比重两个参数,分析了部分原材料价格上涨如何影响到下游节点企业的定价。
The optimal capital structure is negatively related to current ratio, non-debt tax shield, net profit ratio and growth, and positively related with the size of the company, the proportion of tangible assets, and the survival time. 最优资本结构与流动比率、非债务类税盾、净利润率及成长性负相关,与公司规模,有形资产占比,公司成熟度正相关,且存在年份与行业的差别。
The non-performing loan rate is an important indicator of induced financial crisis, also decided the bank profit ratio and core competitiveness of the important factors. 不良贷款率是诱发金融危机的重要指标,也是决定银行盈利力和核心竞争力的重要因素。
Based on the classification and modeling of the parameters, the profitability index of product family is presented in this paper, considering several factors including market demand coverage and distribution, customers 'choice probability and product variant profit ratio. 在对参数分类、建模的基础上,提出结合市场需求的覆盖与分布、客户选择模型和产品实例利润比的参数化产品族获利能力指标,以及基于数据聚集性的参数通用性指标。
The efficiency of the current assets quality can flow through asset turnover, inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover and operating cash flow and operating profit ratio. 流动资产质量的周转性可以通过对流动资产周转率、存货周转率、应收账款周转率、经营活动现金流量与营业利润比指标分析来进行评价。
Based on the phase of the cost and profit ratio analysis, found that planting stage encroached on processing and sales stage of the profit. 通过对各阶段的成本和利润比例分析,发现种植阶段侵占了加工和销售阶段的利润。